The End

>> Thursday, April 8, 2010

Well here we are... a whole year and 213 blogs later, and I can't really believe it to be honest.  I had these grand plans to have this beautiful reflective piece for my final blog on 22adventures, something that looked over everything and talked about how far I had come and what happens next.  But the truth is, I don't really know if I can write that at the moment, because I am sitting on the floor at a Big Band rehearsal, feeling very tired and sick.  My nose is running and my head is stuffy and I am just not sure what will come out as I continue to type.  However, the fact is, today is the 8th of April 2010, which means tomorrow I turn 23 and the adventures of me as a 22 year old come to an end.  So whether I feel like it or not, I need to write something to tie it all together.

I find it really hard to believe that exactly a year ago I had an interview in Castlemaine, and getting a job, moving out of home, moving to the country was just a little idea that I wasn't really considering because I didn't want to jinks the job.  Yet here I am writing this blog, a year later and everything, and nothing at all has changed (if that makes any sense).  

There are lots of things that are still the same.  I am still Emma, I still love Disney, blogging, eating and Dave, but now I live in Castlemaine and visit Melbourne.  Now I have a 'real' full time job, not a part time fun thing.  Now I can cook and clean and do general adult things, because I have to and no one else will do it for me (unless they are feeling particularly generous).  Now I have lots of new friends, people who I hadn't even met a year ago today.   

I feel like I have grown a lot since I moved to Castlemaine, and I am not really sure how much of this is just me getting older and how much of this has been because of the fact that I had too.  There have been some really low times, like homesickness, being lonely and getting used to being away from all my friends and family, but there has also been a lot of fun stuff to, and some really really great stuff... my new friends, the things I have seen and the places I have been...oh that rhymed, nice.  I have no idea how to actually sum up this last year other than the fact that I am different and I like it.  I know that I haven't done this by myself and that I my life really has been in God's hands through it all. But I guess when it comes down to it... I am really glad I went to the interview, I am really glad I was offered the job and I had enough courage (and support) to move and give it a crack.  I am also really glad that I have been able to share this with all of you (even if its just Mum, Dad and Dave at times).  Thanks a bunch for reading... my blog would be no fun if no one read it, so thanks for dropping by!  

So what happens next... well I am glad that you asked.  For now, I stay in Castlemaine, and because I can't give up I will continue to blog.  But as I am no longer 22 my blogs will have a new home:, so please keep dropping by and checking it out.  But after that I am not really sure and that's ok.  I still have plenty of adventures left in me and I am kind of excited about what is still to come... I guess I will just have to keep to posted, because I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


Dave April 8, 2010 at 10:38 PM  

Bye bye 22. It has been fun. Still more to be had now your 23. I'm sure it will be even more exciting with even bigger things to accomish and a lot more fun to be had together.

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