Climate Control

>> Monday, February 8, 2010

Its just getting worse...seriously,

Today, its really really hot in Castlemaine, so I get in the car, which has been in the sun all day and think its ok, seeing as I can't make the air con work any better, or put the temperature onto supper cold, I will put the windows down to get some air through... As the window goes down, it makes a strange noise and then begins to go down on a very very strange angle.  In fact, because I was a little too panicked at the time I have drawn this picture of what was happening for you in paint...which I have a particular talent in: 

As you can see, it is not normal, and it can't be good...  So because there was also a storm moving in, I pulled over to try and fix the window before it started to rain. In the end, I had to lift the window up and put it back in the right now it is shut...and it won't get opened unless absolutely necessary.  Although it does mean that the climate control in my car is now significantly reduced...I know now have either air con on, or air con off.  I think its time to seriously look at a new car...sorry Saabie   

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


Dave March 2, 2010 at 6:57 PM  

Paint is definately your gift

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