Enough Space for Everyone

>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some people claim that they can get through life just by themselves with no one else, but I am not really sure how they do that…it doesn’t seem possible to me and even if it possible, it seems kinda boring.

Since I have moved up to Castlemaine I have made lots of new friends and tonight after work I went out with some of them to a little Mexican restaurant for drinks (don’t worry I just had a diet coke) then from there I raced back into Melbourne to catch up with some of my old friends from my days at school.

Its nice that even though more people come into your life it doesn’t mean you have to push out the ones that were already there.

The most random thing of the night however, was when I finally got to my Melbourne friends the Jonas brothers were there…don’t panic not the real Jonas brothers, just two random internationals that Alicia had brought along for the ride, who both happened to be called Jonas…

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


Shirley Lewis August 21, 2009 at 10:00 PM  

You have lots of friends Em, cos you are a beautiful person!

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