Kristy...what a gem

>> Saturday, June 13, 2009

I am not so good at saying goodbye, I am much better at saying thanks and I love you…so instead of using this blog to say goodbye to my amazing friend Kristy, I am going to use it to say thank you and I love you.

Early on Monday morning Kristy will be starting her trek to WA to…well lets just say follow her heart…which means that she will be moving on from the her life here in Melbourne and I will miss her. So Kristy, I just wanted you to know that I love you stacks and that I will miss you. Thanks for all the laughs, the cokes, the guitar hero challenges, the dinners, the cheering at basketball, the encouragement, for keeping me safe at the rising sun with all those giant men, the adventures and for just being my friend, oh and did I mention the laughing? I love ya stacks and I hope it all has a happier ending than you could ever imagine…oh and that I will see you again soon!

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


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