Prince of Eygpt

>> Thursday, June 4, 2009

I love musical theatre, and I especially love it when its musical theatre that I know all the words to…and tonight I was truly in my element. Tonight I went and watched some of my new friends in their school musical, well 2 of the kids and dad, and it was great.

They did the Prince of Egypt…one of my favourite cartoon movies (even though its not Disney). There is nothing that I don’t like about this movie, its got everything I love, song, dance, the bible, humor, a good story, a happy ending…everything and now that is was in stage production form…what more could you want?

During the evening though, Susanne and Quentin were commenting about the tragic turn in my social life if this was a good night out for me. But little did they know, that I love this kind of stuff and even though it was a school play, I had a really great night, and if that makes me tragic…I don’t care.

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


Shirley Lewis August 21, 2009 at 10:00 PM  

You certainly are not tragic Em, it makes you who you are and I love it!

Lydia Wynne August 21, 2009 at 10:02 PM  

Em you are lovely , and enjoying a school production is great , i enjoy them too. Maybe were both tragic!

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