Billy Hyde Fun Fun Fun
>> Saturday, April 18, 2009
Over the last four or five years I have been working at Billy Hyde Music, there have been some fun times and some pretty average times. In more recent times, I have been up there full time, as a little sidekick to the print and education departments and these times I think have been the most fun. Who would have thought I could be so satisfied by packing boxes, collecting stock and sending out letters. I guess it did help that I got to have my own desk and my little working posie was pretty rad (wow I have no idea where that sentence came from…the lat
e 90’s perhaps) anyway today was my last day there with my full time buddies and it was a little sad. I know that I have never been good at goodbyes, but there were somethings that I thought I would be fine with, but today I found myself wanting to do one more of everything, one more delivery docket, one more box, on more invoice, one more thing through the till, it was quite pathetic really. I don’t know why I hold on to things, even when I know, well especially when I know that I am off to do bigger and better things, but I do. Anyway that’s not what I really wanted to talk about, what I really wanted to say
that I have loved working there over the last little while and I think it has been all about the people! So this is a bit of a shout out to all my buddies at Billy Hyde to say thanks a bunch for everything, and believe it or not I will miss it there, but only coz I will miss all of you and because I am not good at goodbyes I am sure I will pop in and see you all soon…
I guess that's all part of the adventure!
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