Dave's getting old

>> Saturday, July 18, 2009

So it turns out I am not so good at writing blogs at night…but because I am still quite behind I figure I have no choice (and no just skipping a whole heap…not an option)

Anyway, today is a very special day…we actually yesterday was the special day, but today we celebrated. Yesterday it was Dave’s birthday…his 24th birthday and today we are out with his family to celebrate (complete with my packet cake that Dave felt should be shared with the whole family…hope it was alright). So I guess what I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have had a ripper day and don’t forget that I love you…even though you are really old…coz yes 24 is really really old!

Oh and thanks for taking me out on the town tonight to see Crazy for you and for not telling me I was an idiot when i told you for the upteenth time that I wanna sing and dance in a musical!

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


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