I could do this
>> Friday, November 27, 2009
Sometimes I wonder what God is doing when it comes to the weather, this week it has been all over the shop, seriously…one day its hot, the next day its cold…what is going on? The thing is though, I think I could get used to it being like this. I really like summer, but sometimes when it is just so hot all the time, I don’t cope very well. I also really like summer rain (and yes every time I say or write, or even think the words ‘summer rain’ I too thing of the song…).
So perhaps this higgledy piggleldy weather isn’t so bad after all, maybe I could get used to it…in fact I think I could. I think I would be quite happy to have a summer of hot-cold-hot-cold weather, no that I think about it a little bit more, I think that would be quite nice. It would also help me with my bush fire panic a bit too, coz if its always raining…that’s gotta help.
I take it all back…I love this weather, bring on unpredictability….
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Three's a crowd
>> Monday, November 23, 2009
So even though I live in a tiny house I still love to have people come and visit, but tonight I realized that my house isn’t made to have 3 people sleep there. Today Dusty and Jess drove up to Castlemaine for a visit. This was the first time Jess had seen my place and the second time for dusty, so I made sure everything was clean, I left a key out and made sure there was lots of coffee for Dust until I got home.
After a lovely dinner in Bendigo complete with a walk through the gardens with cold rock for dessert, we headed back to my place and watched a Christmas classic, Muppets Christmas Carol, Then we set up the beds, so I had my little spot up in the loft, Jess was on the couch and then Dusty was on a stretcher bed on the floor, but I tell you what there wasn’t much room left after that at all, it was very cozy. However, despite being on top of one another, it was a heaps fun night, complete with childhood reminiscing…it turns out Dusty and I have always been a little odd, well according to Jess anyway… I mean who else used to sing the decore shampoo add in the spa, using the bubbles as shampoo?
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
>> Friday, November 20, 2009
I always thought that I was ok with change, perhaps not great, but ok. I have learned this weekend though that perhaps I am not so good at it. I like things to be familiar, I like knowing what to expect and I like what’s mine to stay mine.
This weekend I closed another chapter in my life. I guess until this moment I have half moved out of home, which even though I am slowly getting used to it, is still a big deal for me. So even though I spend at least 4 nights a week in Castlemaine, I still had my room in Melbourne there whenever I needed it. However, because I still had my large room, it meant that Jake still had his little tiny room upstairs, and because he is going into year 12 year, mum and dad decided it was only far for us to swap rooms.
So after about 2 months of denial, and 5months of refusal, the deed is done, the rooms are swapped and I don’t like it at all. I think the thing that I don’t like is not the fact that I have to sleep somewhere else, but rather the fact that my old room looks different…it looks like boy.
I think that maybe the other thing is the fact that my room was probably the only thing that has been constant since I moved. When I look back at this year, I feel like everything has changed and my life is almost unrecognizable. I know this is what's supposed to happen, and that it is making me grow as a person, but sometimes I wish I could just go back, I don’t know how far I would go…maybe not that far, but just far enough for things to feel familiar and safe. I now see why Peter Pan never wanted to grow up, being out there as your own person sucks. Its much better to be a little kid and not have to worry, but I know it doesn’t work that way. Sometimes things have to change, even if its not for my own benefit. I suppose that’s where my faith should kick in, trusting that God’s got it all under control and that I don’t need to panic, but its hard and sometimes even though its all sorted, it still hurts.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
>> Thursday, November 19, 2009
When I moved up to Castlemaine I had to leave my Melbourne cell group behind, but because I didn’t want to miss out completely I found another one in Bendigo and it has been such a wonderful group to belong to. For most of the year it has just been Susanne, Dee and I, and towards the end of the year I finally met Jo as well.
Anyway, when we aren’t doing the study, there is a fairly high chance that Dee, Susanne and I are talking about twilight…we love it…and just for the record, I am team Edward, Dee is team Jacob…and Susanne…well she tends to change her mind, although I think Jake is currently winning. And so…it only seemed natural that we would attend the premier of New Moon together. So on Wednesday night, Susanne and I met at the cinemas nice and early, went and had some dinner and cold rock then headed back to the cinema to line up to that we would have awesome seats for the movie. Because we weren’t just seeing New Moon…no no no, we were seeing Twilight and New Moon, and unlike in Melbourne when you go and see something like this, there is no allocated seats. So Susanne and I lined up (Dee was at work) with all the 13-18year girls, a few older ones like us and I think 2 boys and waited to see the movie. And just in case you were wondering, it was soooooo worth it. I love doing things like that, I don’t really care how dorky you think I am, I still love it!
It's Ladies Night
>> Monday, November 16, 2009
The Role of My Dreams
>> Saturday, November 14, 2009
I love the fact the my blog is so far behind that by the time you read this it will probably be too late, but because I refuse to give in to the pressure and just type things as they happen rather than in retrospect as I seem to do there isn’t much I can do.
I think that I have mentioned before how much I love musicals, and how much I wanted to be in one…well the good news is…its all happening! That’s right, I have been offered a spot in a musical…and not just any spot…the spot. On the 18th of December 2009 I will be playing the role of Mairah (aka Mary) in a the nativity story like you have never seen it before. I am seriously so super excited and very nervous all at the same time! I suppose now I will need to start learning lines and songs and everything else…oh and perhaps I should have a little chat with mum about what it feels like to have waters break and give birth and stuff... coz I am a little inexperienced in that department.
So anyway, if you are free on the 18th, you should definitely come on down to Box Hill salvos and check it out! Its going to be seriously awesome.
Oh and today is two of my amazing friend’s birthdays! So Phoebe and Susanne….HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
>> Thursday, November 12, 2009
Oh and before I go...I do need to say a very happy Birthday to Kirsten and Judy!
immeasurably more
It's certainly not meant to be some kind of awesome bible study...but rather just some of my thoughts as I learn, but its there if you wanna have a squiz.
It's Friggin Hot
>> Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Christmas is Coming
>> Monday, November 9, 2009
Silly Girl
>> Sunday, November 8, 2009
Brass Bands
>> Saturday, November 7, 2009
I think what made the night even better though was that the concert was full of all my favourite things about the box hill band:
- Some great marches
- A classic chorus
- A solo, on alto sax, from Davo
- A trombone solo from Benny
- A skit
- Some lovely male voices
- And just to top it off, Craig singing ‘Love changes anything’
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
>> Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Being a good salvo girl, the Melbourne Cup Holiday is not really anything more than a nice day off, and even though I don't gamble, I am certainly very grateful that the race stops the nation, because I do like the day off. Usually at our place Cup Day is when the Christmas Tree goes up, but because I am away and Jake is in the middle of his exams its not happening today.
However, even though I don't gamble I do like to pick which horse I think will win, normally my choice is based on colour, either the horse colour or the colours the jockey is wearing. Another thing that might get a horse chosen is its name, I do love a good horse name. Often these choices give me dud horses that do so terribly its not even worth mentioning. But today, oh today was different. Today I picked the winner! Seriously I did, I even have the newspaper with my initials next to it from the quick sweep before the race. I don't think that I have ever backed the winner before, but I tell you what it feels pretty good, and if it feels this good when I don't actually win anything, I can see why gambling is addictive, perhaps its a good thing I don't gamble.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Beach Cricket
>> Monday, November 2, 2009
Anyway, here are some photos from the rest of the weekend.
Oh and just for the record I think I will try beach cricket again!
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
>> Sunday, November 1, 2009
I think honestly at the moment, a bit of both. Its easy to become complacent and just talk the talk, but I am glad that I have had a little refresher and challenge tonight.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...