immeasurably more

>> Thursday, November 12, 2009

This week I have had a bit of a challenge, the thing is I have been a blogger for quite a while now...but I have been a Christian for even longer, and while I have been quite good at up dating my blog regularly...often I am not so good with my 'devotions' or quite time with God...So I thought if i can write a blog with useless information, perhaps I can use a blog to keep me accountable to.

So today I set up, well actually re-opened an old blog to use for my devotions, and the idea is I need to do my devotions before I can up date this blog with the random stories of my day, no matter how entertaining I think they will be.  My new blog is called immeasurably more so if you want to check it out...

Oh and I don't really care if no one reads my new blog because immeasurably more is just a way to keep myself accountable to God and learning more about that I can tap into some of the 'immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine' than his word promises in Ephesians 3:20.

It's certainly not meant to be some kind of awesome bible study...but rather just some of my thoughts as I learn, but its there if you wanna have a squiz.

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


dave December 30, 2009 at 9:55 AM  

I think you should do both blogs ore regually and up to date because i want to read about what is important to you when i happens, maybe the iphone might help with the regularity

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