Brass Bands

>> Saturday, November 7, 2009

There is something very peaceful about brass bands, perhaps its their classical music, or even the fact that it makes me think of my childhood and going to Dad’s band concerts, either way I don’t really mind, coz I still like it. This weekend the Box Hill Salvation Army Citadel Band was up in Bendigo, so being a Box Hill Girl, and living almost in Bendigo, I went and checked it out. This was my fist Band Wag experience and I did enjoy it. It brought back lots of memories from when I was a kid, because that was probably the last time I went to Brass band concert.

I think what made the night even better though was that the concert was full of all my favourite things about the box hill band:
  • Some great marches
  • A classic chorus
  • A solo, on alto sax, from Davo
  • A trombone solo from Benny
  • A skit
  • Some lovely male voices
  • And just to top it off, Craig singing ‘Love changes anything’
Seriously, I don’t think that band concerts get much better than that!

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


Dave December 30, 2009 at 10:03 AM  

yeah it is good to hear me play alto (for once),"so Glad" on Baritone doesn't work well, but i would not have been suprised if i got asked to play it on bari just to keep with my salvo bands tradition.

Dave December 30, 2009 at 10:08 AM  

You are queen of the WAG's but if Ben gets a girlfriend you may have to fight her for the title.
To be Queen you must be:
Most attractive
Most attractive boyfriend/husband
Most talented boyfriend/husband
Best Scones

so far you have it but you need to keep on top of you game

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