My Valentine

>> Sunday, February 14, 2010

I am so super spoilt sometimes its not funny!  And because I am a princess and a little obsessed with romantic comedies, I LOVE VALENTINES DAY.  I know for most people its just another day, but I love it!  I love the gooeyness, the cards, the flowers, the little messages in the paper and of course I love the fact that its a great excuse for a Date.  So this weekend, this valentines weekend I have been in Sydney with Dave and it has been sooooooo super lovely.  I have seen Wicked (yes, again), I have seen Sydney Harbour for the first time, along with the bridge and the opera house, and I have also been to see Top Gear the stage show, complete with fireworks and I haven't really had to spend a cent...I am just super super spoilt.  However, I did think that this weekend there might have been one valentines surprise.  In fact I was pretty much convinced! 

Leading up to this trip away, I had a number of people tell me that they thought that maybe Dave was going to propose... In fact, before I left Mum even gave me her blessing if he did... and when I thought about it, it did seem very like Dave... I mean Dave is a a bit of a romantic and so Valentines Day seem appropriate, He was taking me to Sydney, we were staying at a fancy hotel, he took me to see both Wicked and Top Gear, we went to my favourite Chinese restaurant, had lots of delicious food but... the weekend is over and my left ring finger remains naked... so I guess it wasn't quite my time.   

Now for those of you that are panicking about the fact that I shouldn't be sharing this on the internet and that Davo might get offended...don't stress, because Dave was also aware of 'the signs' so to speak, and on Friday night before we headed off he told me that it wasn't going to happen this week, so that I wouldn't be disappointed or waiting all weekend, which is kinda nice I guess, but it has left me wondering what he has planned for me...and us.... But I guess now we just wait and see...

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!

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