Night Cat

>> Saturday, May 9, 2009

I love live music, not just a little bit, but a lot. While I don't often dance when I go out, but I do like to go and tap my feet. It's weird though, because when I was living in Melbourne I didn't actually go out to hear live music all that often, but when I am away, or living somewhere else like I am now, I really miss it. I think it's one of those things, you know, that you don't realise you will miss something until it is gone. Anyway, tonight I got to go and hear some live music at the Night Cat to help celebrate Dave's sister Vanessa's birthday. It was really nice, but while we were there something happened that made me feel really old... I was tired and ready to leave by like 10:30pm...I know how sad. I used to be able to stay up forever, but not anymore, I am losing it, the only benefit was that Dave was already ready to go as well, which while not suprising made me feel a little bit better about the situation.

Here's the thing though, I don't know if it was just tonight, or whether this is the end of my late nights as I know it...I hope it isn't, but perhaps my adventures are taking a toll.

I guess that's all part of the adventure!


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