
>> Sunday, January 17, 2010

I know I only said this like a week ago but skype is seriously very impressive, today while out in Hoppers Crossing ( is a long way from any of my homes!) having lunch with my high school buddies, we chatted to Kempy who is currently living in the states and it was almost like she was there with us.  We could see her, talk to her, play games with her and have fun and it was very very cool, it really is magic that you can do that... how exactly it works still boggles my mind, but so does the telephone and wireless anything, so I guess that's not hard.  I think I need to get more into skype though cos we talke with Kempy for like 2hours and it was still free...and that is just nuts. amaze me. 

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


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