Triple Date

>> Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tonight I went on a triple date, a step up, or sideways, or something from the double date I got so excited about back in October, tonight's triple date was with Dusty and Jake and their girlfriends Jess and Cassie.  Its not something that I have done before, but it was nice.  In true dork style, we went out for dinner and then bowling, and I didn't even lose.

Anyway, it was nice to hang out with my brothers and their women, perhaps its something we should do more often...I guess it is a sign that we are all growing up, and soon, although not too soon I hope, I will be hanging out with my brothers and my sister-in-laws...crazy...who would have thought that these three kids...(please see photo to your left) would be public... without their gameboys and with their significant others, bowling...crazy, imagine that...growing up.   

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


Dave January 31, 2010 at 3:25 PM  

It was good shame Jess cheated at bowling!!

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