Kitchen Table

>> Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I have heard numerous people talk about the joys of the simple things in life and tonight I got experience that joy.  It's just something simple, but something that I had taken for granted for so long, something that I didn't realise I liked so much until I didn't have one for a while and then got it back...  confused yet?  Well tonight I was able to enjoy the simple pleasure of eating at a kitchen table!  I know it sounds ridiculous, but tonight when Flic came over for tea, we sat at a little card table in the middle of what I guess is technically the kitchen and it was lovely.  Simple but what a joy.  I miss having a table to eat at that is there all the time and doesn't have to be folded away so that you can get to everything.  One day, I will have a house big enough for a kitchen table... one day

I guess that's all part of the adventure!

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