Don't watch murder mystries late at night...

>> Monday, August 10, 2009

There is one thing that you think I would have learned by now...when you are a bit of a sooky sooky la la like shouldn't want murder mystry programs late at night!

Tonight, Barb and Lorraine came over for tea and after tea together we watched the double episodes of City Homoside that were on...which I love. This was all fine and good, I wasn't stressed about anything, didn't let it get to me at all. Auntie barb and Auntie lorraine went home and then I did something stupid...I watched, not my dog (he is on a holiday in Melboure), dexter the TV show, which i also love. However, I had forgotten the promise I had made to myself not to watch things like this late at night...Dexter was for daylight hours only.

So once Dexter was finished, i watched another program on TV, just to help me forget what I had seen during Dexter...and thats when everything went wrong.

By this stage it was about midnight and I was just about ready to turn in for the night when I heard a car door shut at first I ignored it, maybe it was something else i convinced my self and started getting ready for bed. Then I heard it again, not a big deal, its just a car, but the thing was the sound was coming from behind my house...on the property, which is a pretty isolated part of the street. I had a land lord was away and wasn't due back for another week or so. Barb and Lorraine had left about an hour ago and hadn't left anything behind. I wasn't expecting any visitors. I had no idea who it could naturally after watching 3 murder mysteries tonight I started to panic.

The thing is when I panic, I get a little irrational. So because I couldn't see out the back of my house without drawing attention to myself, I went into my tiny, dark, freezing cold bathroom and peered out the window in there, where I couldn't really see much, just my front door and the back of the landlord's place. And there I waited...until I could see who it was. Suddenly the the sensor light came on out the back of the landlord's house and i saw my mystery person walk into the light....(is the suspense killing you yet?)

It turns out it was just my landlord home early from his trip, so feeling adequatly stupid, but still high on adreniline I turned on the light, cleaned my teeth and went to bed. I think next time I will leave the murder mysteries for the daylight hours.

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


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