Charlie and Boots

>> Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I really really really love going to the movies, in fact I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have been disappointed after a trip to the movies…I could even go as far as to say both of those times have been because of Mr Bean too…it turns out his movies not as good as the TV show.

Anyway, tonight after a lovely dinner in Bendigo, Jana, Jane (two of my mates from work) and I went to the movies and saw Charlie and boots and not surprisingly I loved it. But the thing that I liked most about this movie was that it was Australian and I knew lots of the towns that they went through. It really made me want to get in my little Saaby and just drive, just head off north and check out what Australia has to offer.

I think that one day I would really love to do just that, jump in my car and go right round Australia from town to town and just have a look, maybe I will have to invest in a camper of some kind and do a bit of caravan of courage style traveling. Cos the thing is Australia is massive and unique and there is so much to see, every town is different and has its own little quirks and I really want to see at least some of them. Perhaps one day I will have another blog about my Australian Adventure rather than just my adventures as a 22 year old…who knows.

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


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