For those of you that know me well…well if fact for those of you that have ever been to my house, or my old room in Melbourne, or to any event I have also attended, or even spent sometime looking around on my facebook or my blog, you would know that I love photos… I have photos everywhere and while most of them are self taken and consist of a whole lot of my face and someone else’s face and not much else, I still love them all the same. I think what I like about photos is that they are normally of something fun, happy and/or exciting, so when I look back on them it reminds me of those times and the fun things that I have done. They help me to focus on what’s important and to remind me that my life is filled with people who love and car for me.
So when Ben and Kitty came to visit me for lunch and afternoon tea today I was so excited when they asked me what they should do for the afternoon while I had to work…The took photos of them in Castlemaine for me, because I really don’t have all that many photos of my life up here...because as the photos from my trip to china in 2007 will show you a lot of photos of just yourself are no where near as good as the ones that are filled with the people you spent time with.
So here are a few of my favourite photos from Ben and Kitty’s adventures today…
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
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