International Talk Like a Pirate Day
>> Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yesterday, for those of you that didn’t know (which I didn’t so don’t feel bad) was International Talk Like a Pirate Day…true. And I while I missed it (the photo is from another pirate dress up), I really wish I hadn't.
The thing about International Talk Like a Pirate Day is though its not for anything in particular… its just a great idea. It’s not raising money or awareness for anything, its just an excuse to talk like a pirate for the day that was invented by some guys in the states…and apparently it happens every year on September the 19th.
This did get me thinking though, if these two random guys in the states could come up with something as cool as that…surely I could too…but as of yet, I have no ideas…so I am putting it out to you…
If you could have an annual day, just to do something random…what would you do? Perhaps this could be were the next random ‘international day’ starts…the possibilities really are endless…
Oh and if you want to read the full background of International Talk Like a Pirate Day check out their website…
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
its a great idea its just that it started when the idea that god could be a giant spaghetti monster and the angels could be all pirates, we'll never know but yeah is just a twist on the christian religion.
enjoy your day!
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