John Farnham

>> Monday, October 19, 2009

John Farnham is an Australian Legend and even though he is in his 60s he has still got it! Tonight I was lucky enough to go and see him in concert at the palisis with Mum, Dusty, Jake and Judy…now before you start whinging about ‘the last time’ two things…1. It was the name of the album he was touring and 2. It was the last time he did a massive right around Australian, including regional cities, tour…not the last time he was ever going to do a concert…and if you don’t like it…I don’t really care, just don’t whinge to me.

Anyway, to be honest, I was a little worried that he may have lost some of his stage presence, some of his pizzazz, or heaven forbid some of his voice…but no, he has still got it…seriously there is nothing like it, sitting there just soaking up the voice. It makes me a little said that this might actually be the last time I hear him live, I hope its not, but I just don’t know how much more he will do. The highlight of the night though was definitely when we belted out ‘You’re the voice’ and the crowd went wild…seriously wild. Its quite and interesting experience going to a John Farnham concert because the crowd is always such a mismatch of people, the old young, men and women, all shapes and sizes…it is clear to me that everyone loves Farnsey! Although it does get a little disturbing when the older ladies start throwing things onto the stage because you are just never sure what you are going to get!

I really do love him…and I hope he is around for a lot longer.

I guess that's just all part of the adventure!


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