>> Thursday, October 15, 2009

There is a Mexican restaurant in Castlemaine which since moving I have visited a few times and tonight I went with Flic! But taking my love for Mexican out into the public like that has not been an easy move. It turns out I am a bit of a resturant snob, I am not very good at trying new restaurants, or going to restaurants that have been stereotyped into having poor food hygiene standards you know like Indian restaurants or Turkish restaurants...they always seem to have some public health scandal associated, even when most of them are perfectly fine. I know there are lots of really lovely Indian and Turkish restaurants, but it appears that they have all been fact I think there is a saying something like one bad apple spoils the whole barrel, and I think is what it is like for these poor restaurants, and unfortunatly Mexican too has been lumped into this category. The only exception to this rule is Chinese restaurants, I am not really sure why, perhaps its because I have been to China and its just the way it is...I am not sure.
Anyway, since moving up I decided to give the Mexican restaurant a go and it turned out to be the best decision ever...because I love Mexican and now I don't always have to cook it, and it means that when I want to take someone out for tea...I can have Mexican! I am not sure why I waited so long...
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
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