The Tale of Eggface
>> Monday, April 5, 2010
The egg required her to decorate her it with its very own eggy face. So she got all the pieces out... and began to make a plan!
She started with the legs to make some stability. It appeared she used too much glue so her eggface had a little accident. Next was the hair. As she stopped to admire her work so far she thought to herself "so far, so good."
Having corrected the hair and becoming more and more aware that the glue was not all that sticky, she quickly attempted to do the lot and then take a picture before anymore unwanted shifts.
Once the portrait was complete she let go, and eggface had an accident.
Eggface was beyond the point of no return, and unfortunately soon after his fall, he deteriorated and passed away.
So there you have it, the tale of Eggface, the best Easter egg ever... now if you will excuse me I have an egg to eat.
>> Sunday, April 4, 2010
'cause I can't bear to see the man I've been come rising up in me again.
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
'cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other
I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, Amazing grace
Oh and I was also very thankful for my extra hour of sleep last night, thank you and so long daylight savings...
April Fool
>> Thursday, April 1, 2010
The end is nigh
>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I am starting to get a little panicked... I have almost been doing this blog for a year, which means its also my birthday again, which means that on top of all my regular birthday stress (yes, I have birthday stress) I have to work out what to do next with my blogging.
I have really enjoyed being back in the blogging chair, and I am almost 100% sure I want to keep going, but the beauty of this 22adventures blog is that it had a time limit. It was a year long adventure, but that was it. It was never going to die a slow and painfully boring death like my last blog. The thing is I don’t really want to just sign up for another year, coz I am sick of having so many blogs linked with my name and I want it to be new and exciting, but I don’t really want to change the old ones if that makes sense, and I want to be able to just have the one place!
The other thing is, a new blog poses a lot of questions… what will I call it? what will be the point of it? Will people follow it on? Will it be more or less popular? What will my catch phrase be? These are all very tricky questions, ones which I am fast running out of time to answer!
So I think over the next week and a bit I will have to start seriously thinking about these things…perhaps even brain storming a little. But I think the blogging will continue…someway, somehow!
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
The Cumberland
>> Monday, March 29, 2010
Oh and if anyone can confirm or deny this rumour...I would appreciate it!
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
The Waiter
>> Friday, March 26, 2010
Tonight I made a discovery! A waiter can make or break a meal! Seriously its true… think about it. Tonight I had the pleasure of helping Brad celebrate his birthday by having dinner in the city. The meal was great, the company was great and the waiter was great. In fact the waiter was so good I think he made my night! But before I go much further, I think we need to go back to the basics…
There are 3 types of waiters/waitresses in the world:
1. Bad ones
2. Good ones and
3. Great ones
That’s it, there aren’t any in between ones or ones that fit into any other category, its just these 3. Everyone knows what a bad waiter is… they are the ones that forget what you order and don’t seem to care. The don’t go out of their way to assist, they leave you unattended at all the wrong times and they are just bad. Sometimes they are nice, sometimes they are not…but regardless, they are bad!
The good ones are generally the ones that go unnoticed. They are not fantastic, but they are not bad, they get the job done and at the end of the night you leave with out giving them too much more thought.
And then there is the great ones, the ones that are super helpful, without being in your face, they say all the right things, don’t forget anything and at the end of the night you want to leave them a tip. Sometimes its helps if they have a cool accent or are particularly good looking, but I think that one of the best things about the great ones is they take in the ‘vibe’ of the dinner and behave accordingly.
Tonight we had a great waiter! It did help that he was French and had a very sweet story about moving here to be with his girl friend, but even without that stuff, he was happy to have a laugh with us, to have a good time, but still do what he needed to do. I don’t really know how to describe it…he had a go at kitty for taking to long, which was very funny and super accurate, he made us sing happy birthday and found a biscuit he could put a candle in because we weren’t having dessert, he cracked some jokes, made us all smile and he even took a photo of out table all together! He was just great and at the end of the night, all of us wanted to show him how much we appreciated him and his service. Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say kudos to that guy…thanks for making it a fun evening…
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
This Road
>> Thursday, March 25, 2010
Growing up is something that I never really wanted to do, but every now and then something happens, and the way I respond shows me that perhaps it already happened. It seems to have already occurred, without my consent or knowledge. I guess its almost like the lights been switched and now, I am more often an adult then I am a kid, if that makes any sense. I am still not very happy about it, but it appears that there is not much I can do… all of a sudden I am a real fair dinkum grown up… who would have thought.
At the moment my life is a little complicated, and without going into to too much detail, because its not really my story to share, things haven’t quite turned out they way I always imagined they would, in fact its very different to what I would have wanted or expected. But the crazy thing about it is, surprisingly I find my self ok. Perhaps the reality of it hasn’t quite hit me yet, or I am not really sure how to react, but how I feel is also very different to what I would have expected. Sure I am sad, confused, angry, frustrated all the emotions associated with when the poopie hits the fan, but still I am ok. At times I think maybe that means I am not ok, maybe that’s a sign that I have used up all my tears and appropriate emotional responses when I wasted them on over reactions, or things that weren’t really worth crying about. Or perhaps it just means I have grown up and I have that peace of God that goes beyond all understanding.

though I find it hard to see though all my suffering.
but this small part is all that I can see.
And I believe you haven't left me here to wander,
still I can't help but ponder where you're leading me.
And I ask why this road? Why this way and this load?
Tell me how far must I go, ‘til I see, ‘til I know why this road.
what was it like to be so far from home?
Though you came in love, the world misunderstood you.
There must have been some days when you felt so alone.
Since you gave yourself just to spend forever with me,
surely I can trust you'll lead me through my darkest times,
Tell me how far must I go ‘til I see, ‘til I know why this road.
but I don't have to understand to believe
That you know why this road, why this way and this load.
You know how far I must go ‘til I see, ‘til I know why this road”
>> Monday, March 22, 2010
There it is, its said, so please don’t do it again.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
>> Sunday, March 21, 2010
Explaining Yesterday
>> Thursday, March 18, 2010
You may have noticed that yesterday’s blog had no words… except for my little tagline that is, and I am thinking that I probably owe you a little explanation, because it is kind of rude to just do something like that without warning.
So here it is: yesterday was Wordless Wednesday, something new that I am trying. Its not something I have come up with, in fact its an idea that I stole from a other peoples blogs, but I don’t think they will mind, and I think that its kind of cool. In fact my cousin Bec, does something similar too, except she uses some words and calls it Snapshot Sunday, but basically the idea is that the blog on Wordless Wednesday tells you a story about my day or just something random without using words, after all, the do say that a picture is worth a thousand words. So take yesterday for example, my pictures are of Kat’s 24th Birthday Dinner where Miriam was missing in action for a significant proportion. There is her empty chair, everyone looking sad, (except Ben, and I am not sure why) and then everyone happy when we easily replaced her with a picture drawn on the Abercrombie bag.
So there you go… Wordless Wednesday... Oh and today is Kitty's actual HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAT! Hope you have had a ripper day.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Half marathon
>> Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So the training has started, luckily the half marathon is still a good 6 months away because after this mornings gym session I think I am going to need all the time that I can get!
This morning I met Jana at the gym, yes that gym that I signed up for with all the best intentions and then never really returned! Anyway we began the journey, the only thing is Jana is quiet a bit fitter than me, which isn't really that hard to imagine, given the fact that all I have done since the last half marathon is a SYG and and few random basketball games and not much else. This means that this morning as we trained together I felt like needed to prove myself just a little, you know, back my tale of my last half marathon up so that it didn't seem as unrealistic as it sounded. So needless to say I went pretty hard, and despite the fact that I only walked/ran for 3.5km... I already have blisters and very sore quads and I am a little worried that this is a bad sign! Sure perhaps I went a bit hard for my first time back in the saddle, but if I am this injured after 1/7th of the race than chances are I might struggle. But I have 6 months and I am not giving up yet! I have another hot date with Jana and the gym on Friday morning... So I better find better socks so I don't get anymore blisters!
Oh and just in case you needed proof... here are the mighty half marathoner's after our last race... don't we look spiffy!
People That Blog
>> Friday, March 12, 2010
So I have spent some time clicking the 'next blog' button at the top of the screen, hoping to find some more interesting blogs to read and add to my list of interesting blogs I already read... but here is what I have discovered. Bloggers seem to have their own sterotype. Seriously! Now I know stereotypes are dangerous, but I am telling the truth, most of the blogs I have looked at are either (in order of freqency):
1. From Indonesia, Tailand or Malaysia - so I can't read them.
2. Being pregnenat, or the journey of having a new kid in the family. I like these ones, but I think they are much better if you actually know the kid... Otherwise its pretty easy to lose interest.
3. Christian Moms... yes I spelt that right, lots of American ladies blog about their families, which is kinda nice, but not what I am after. It also turns out that many of these women are in fact pastors wives... just as an observation.
or 4. Arts and crafts blogs - now I not talking the cute kind or arty blogs, I am talking sharing knitting pattern type blogs... also not quite what I am after.
All of these blogs are great, well I am sure they are I didn't really stop and read very many, but I guess they are just not what I am interested in right now. I am sure if I has kids of my own, or even a hobby I would actually enjoy what they wrote, but they just didn't catch my eye today, because thats not where I am at. I did however come across some one where people acutally share real stuff about their own lives (as apposed to the lives of others around them). These ones really caught my eye and I really enjoyed them. I read a few stories about the struggles of a family as their 2 year old died from cancer, I read about a family that had up and left everything to try something new and I read some stories about just stuff people do day to day. Maybe I am just super nosey and I liked these ones coz they were raw and real, I am not sure.
I know that in the past I have blogged before about wanting my blog to be something more than a primary school journal and I hope that it is. I hope that when other people push the 'next blog' button, if it ever lands on mine that they will stop and have a read and that they would enjoy it.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Being a girl
>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I am not a very good girl… no not like that, I am not naughty or anything a little off, what I should say is I am not very good at being a girl. Sure I do some girly things, like watch way too many chick flicks, or wait hopelessly to be swept off my feet. But when it comes down to the maintenance required to be a girl, I am just not very good at it, I never have been. How do I know this…well here are a few reasons that I came up with:
I find is difficult to justify the cost of haircuts, especially if the are required more than twice a year.
I do not have a regular beautician.
I hate clothes shopping, and have no interest in keeping up with the latest and greatest fashions.
I am terrible at makeup, just terrible (although I can apply it without a mirror…which is probably not so much a reflection of skill, as the basic nature of my makeup).
and I am capable of 3 hair styles…ponytail, half up-half down and down…that is all
However every now and then, I participate in these girlie things, take last weekend for example:
Friday night I had a visit from the lovely Renee, and while we were shopping in Bendigo, I brought a nice new girlie top. I also had a small tea party when we returned to my house in Castlemaine. Then Saturday morning, I drove straight from Castlemaine to my hairdresser in Melbourne where I got a fresh cut and colour, and even had my eyebrows waxed into a more girlie shape (as apposed to the John Howard eyebrows I normally wear). Saturday afternoon I went and brought some new makeup, so I didn’t have to continue to use the dregs from the bottom of the containers like I had been doing pretty much all year.
Anyway, a week in and I love my ‘new look’ its really not that new, or different from before, but I feel like a girl and I kinda like it. And even though it goes against everything I do, I actually booked myself in for another appointment as I was leaving the hairdresser, so that it wouldn’t get out of control again. I think its whats called taking pride in my appearance… I guess we will see how long it lasts.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Up to Date
>> Thursday, March 4, 2010
Well I never ever thought I would actually be able to write this blog, seriously never. I am finally up to date, no more back dating and posting old news, just current things from here on. Its super exciting, because I don't think my blog has been up to date since I started, in fact I am pretty sure that I have always been a whole month behind. But I have finally caught up...which is just as well because there is really only a month left of 22 adventures, and then I have to decide what I want to do next. Do I want to keep blogging? Do I need another rest? Do I go back to my old site, do it up and start again? Do people want me to keep blogging? What will I blog about? These are some very serious questions, some that I will need to think long and hard about. But for now, let us just rejoice in the fact that this blog...after 11months, is finally up to date.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Summer is over and the cold is here
>> Monday, March 1, 2010
Can you believe that it is already March? Isn't that just absurd? Seriously, how did this happen? Where has summer gone? Yesterday was the last day of summer and today it is crazy cold...and think that its a little rude the way the wind has just barged in like this. Did it forget about the casual warm down, or the fact that we still have daylight savings so it doesn't feel like summer is over yet? I feel like I have made the most of summer, I haven't even really been to the beach that much, it can't be over yet? I haven't had enough BBQs or sat outside enough, I am not ready for the seasons to change, I need some more sunshine....
I think perhaps God needs to have a stern talking to the weather and put it in the naughty corner for a week or two and give us some nice warm autumn days. They don't have to be hot, but I am not quite ready for the cold yet. Coz I just think its a bit rough to have such a cold day the first day out.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Vindaloo against violence
>> Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tonight all across Melbourne, and hopefully Australia, Australians have united in having Indian for dinner. Tonight we have been encouraged to have a Vindaloo against Violence, so that is what Dave, Jana, Sam and I have done. I am not really sure if it is going to work, but I guess I have done my bit so we just wait and see. I had only really heard about the event through church, although after we had already eaten our dinner I also heard a little bit about it on the radio, so I am not sure how well publicized it was, but it did seem as if the Indian restaurant was a little busier than usual for a Wednesday night, although I probably wouldn't know, because I only ever have Indian when I go out with others...and I think I have recorded each outing to Indian in my various blogs, because it is so rare. In fact I only recall having Indian 4 times including today, once at Lyndel and Brad's because they thought it was about time Dusty and I tried it, once with Dad in China, and twice in Bendigo, for a christmas break up and tonight.
Its not that I don't like Indian food, its just that I never crave it like I do Italian or Chinese... I am not sure why, I just never do. Anyway, it was delicious and I really should have it more often, because I do actually like it.
Oh and I have been following through on my promise to try new movies, tonight I have seen Shutter Island, which is a bit of a thriller and definitely not something I would have picked if I was going by myself, but I really liked it, it was clever and a little scary, but I didn't even jump, scream or cry...go me!
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
>> Monday, February 22, 2010
New Car
>> Saturday, February 20, 2010
Well today, with the much appreciated help of Mum, Dad and Davo, and after much stress and money budgeting and test driving and stressing and budgeting and stressing today I put a deposit down on a new car... Today I ordered my new Kia Rio. Sure its not the most glamorous of cars...I mean its not a Ford...but I am super excited about it and I can't wait until it comes....but I really will have to wait because it is going to take forever.
Being slightly paranoid, I decided that because I was getting a small car I wanted it to be as safe as possible, this meant getting the curtain airbags installed, which meant that my new car was now a factory order. So it turns out that it takes a really long time to get a factory ordered car in and so I won't actually get my car until mid to late May, which feels like forever away! The other thing that has to happen, is I need my good old Saabie to hold up until then...Saabie is staying strong and holding in there, but I think that we might be cutting it fine. I think that due to my climate control issues, I will have to start packing extra clothes and stuff to keep me warm as the Castlemaine winter starts to set in as heating is no longer an option.
Nevertheless the new car is ordered...its coming and it is going to be awesome... Here are some facts about my new car that I am excited about (and yes I know some of them are lame):
1. Its small and cute2. Its blue...3. It only uses 6.9L/ cheap cheap4. It has a CD player - this is a massive step up from my tape deck
5. It has a drivers arm rest
6. It has air con that works
7. It has windows that work8. It has a 5year unlimited km warrenty
9. Did I mention that its small and cute and blue?10. It has a plug for my iPod
11. It has bluetooth for my phone
12. It has curtain airbags13. Its a rare gem, coz it turns out there just isn't that many Kias in Melbourne...yet
14. The ignition is in the regular spot... as apposed to the center console ignition I currently have15. It has a drink holder made for 1.25L bottles...just in case I am really thirsty16. I will no longer have crazy big blind spots
17. It won't put my oil warning light on every time I turn the corner
18. There is no 'void' between the driver and passenger like in Dave's car
19. It will enable me to park on Dave's lawn again...coz it's got a little button nose, and little bottom
20. Its mine
So now I just wait and wait and wait... but while I wait, I will enjoy my last drives with Saabie and think about important things like...What I will name my new car???
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
Boys at Cell
>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010
This year my cell group at Bendigo has grown...we finished last year 4 members strong...then we went back to 3.... at our first cell for the year we were up to 6 (although only 4 were actually there)...and this week we were joined by the boys group as they are studying the same things as us so the group has pretty much doubled.
I really enjoyed the girls group last year, but I have also missed the male opinion, so it was nice to have some guys there tonight. I guess its not something that I have ever really thought about too much though, whether or not I want boys in my cell group...I suppose it doesn't really matter...its really about how the group works together and being able to share and grow together... I think it will be good to have them there...
Well I guess this was a pretty pointless did seem important when I started writing...but now that its done...
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
My Valentine
>> Sunday, February 14, 2010
Leading up to this trip away, I had a number of people tell me that they thought that maybe Dave was going to propose... In fact, before I left Mum even gave me her blessing if he did... and when I thought about it, it did seem very like Dave... I mean Dave is a a bit of a romantic and so Valentines Day seem appropriate, He was taking me to Sydney, we were staying at a fancy hotel, he took me to see both Wicked and Top Gear, we went to my favourite Chinese restaurant, had lots of delicious food but... the weekend is over and my left ring finger remains naked... so I guess it wasn't quite my time.
Now for those of you that are panicking about the fact that I shouldn't be sharing this on the internet and that Davo might get offended...don't stress, because Dave was also aware of 'the signs' so to speak, and on Friday night before we headed off he told me that it wasn't going to happen this week, so that I wouldn't be disappointed or waiting all weekend, which is kinda nice I guess, but it has left me wondering what he has planned for me...and us.... But I guess now we just wait and see...
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
Thanks Jess
>> Thursday, February 11, 2010

Climate Control
>> Monday, February 8, 2010
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
# 60 - Test Driving
>> Saturday, February 6, 2010
So after the efforts of my car yesterday, I have decided its time to start looking for a new one, so today I spent my day test driving cars, which means I can now cross # 60 - Test drive a car off the list.
I did have the opportunity though to go without the sales guy at one of the show rooms, so before Dave and I headed out, we took this picture as proof that I had been test driving cars...Its not super flattering...sorry.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
Falling Apart
>> Friday, February 5, 2010
So only just a week ago I wrote a little blog about my car, and how I feared it was the beginning of the end, well... after tonights efforts, I am sure the end is near...
Tonight I got stuck at the same servo, at the same time with my car...and this time the same RACV man as last week, told me little Saabie did need a new battery. The thing is though, this would have been fine, if that's all that happened, but it appears that this was just the beginning. As I drove home, I decided it was getting warm in the car, so I attempted to adjust the temperature, only to have the dial fall off in my hand, with the inside bits of the dial all broken... only another small thing I know...but still. I am beginning to get scared about touching things incase they fall off.
At least for now I still have widows and aircon, although I must admit the air con isn't super strong...but at least it is there.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
>> Thursday, February 4, 2010
Saabie and I have been on another little adventure tonight...this time we made out way across central Kilmore. Why would we make this trek... to visit my friend Pez.
Anyway, it was heaps nice to catch up with Perri in her little cottage in Kilmore, her little house is much like my little one in Castlemaine, except she has a lot more rooms, all small, but more than one. One of my favourite rooms though at her place is the toilet...where my knees can almost touch the door in front of me when I am on the toilet...crazy.
Now we are both semi city girls living in the country, for work...leaving our boyfriends behind and carrying on. Its nice to be able to share my experience with someone else and know that I can share what I have been through and that it might actually help someone. Of course its always nice to hang out with good friends, even without a reason.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
>> Sunday, January 31, 2010
So for the last week and a bit I have been getting super excited because Dave will be playing... and dancing with the cast of Jersey Boys at the Australian Open Men's Final. Which means that he should be broadcast live across Australia... and maybe even the world... onto that little box sitting in your living room, know as the TV.
But you may have notied that the tennis final has come and gone, and yes the Jersey Boys were there but, from the otherside of the TV, Dave was a little hard to spot...well I can tell you that he was there at the tennis, but he didn't quite make it on to the TV. Everytime he gets close he gets cut out, disappointing...very disappointing.
Well Davo, I love you even if you didn't quite make it on to the telly... maybe next time.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure!
>> Saturday, January 30, 2010
As I am pretty sure I have mentioned at least once or twice before, I LOVE McLeod's Daughters. So far I have worked my way through the first 3 seasons, so I still have plenty to catch up on, however I have hit a snage. Now, some of this is my own fault as I am a little anal retentive, but it is a snag all the same. McLeod's is avaliable in two different box sets...
As you can imagine I have been getting the prettier ones, as the look much nicer on my bookshelf. However it turns out that these nice white ones are quite hard to get as they are the old kind. The new ugly brown ones are the space savers...and they are not the same. I have 3 seasons that are white and I want them all to match, I just don't think that I can handle having some white and some I have been hunting...and when I say that I mean literally hunting, going from DVD store to DVD store, Kmart to Kmart all in the hope of finding any of the seasons I don't have...seasons 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Just recently when I was in Wonthaggi, I found what I thought was a copy of season 6, however, there were no discs in the cases. Being in Big W, I thought that perhaps the discs where just at the counter, so I took the set over to ask for them, only to be told that if the discs weren't there, they had been sadly I handed back the empty cases and left very disappointed.
Today I was in Borders and I had an actual copy, discs and all of season 4 in my hot little hands... it was a little damaged so I thought perhaps I would try my luck to see if there was another copy, and maybe even any other seasons. Anyway, while waiting for assistance, I noticed that the price was listed at $129. This was a little higher that the $33, I had become accustomed to paying. So before the man ran off to check if there were any more we queried the price. Sadly the price had been recorded correctly, while it does seem very much insane, Borders sells McLeod's for $129...crazy, so not willing to part with that much money for an Australian TV Drama series, and still hoping I would find the rest as a better price I once again handed it back and left the store deflated.
Twice I have been soooooooo close, yet still I only have 3 seasons....I am beginning to lose hope that I will ever have the complete set of white ones...
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...
A New Type of Movie

Sad Saabie
>> Friday, January 29, 2010
My car, my saabie, and I have been together almost as long as Dave and I. We first meet in 2005, just after my 18th birthday and just before I got my license. At first I wasn’t sure if we were going to get along, Saabie had a big nose and smelt a little like vomit, which I have to admit didn’t turn me on. However, with the ignition in the centre and the fact that he was given to me (thanks Mum and Dad) we persevered and now we are the best of buddies, well most of the time.
Sure we have had our downs, like the time I smashed his face into the back of someone else’s car, or the time I thought he was out to kill me, given the crazy number of electric shocks I constantly received, or even the time when the remote central locking decided its time was up and I sat in the carpark at uni with both the car and me crying, of course Saabie was much louder, given that his cry was in the form of his car alarm. But there have also been a lot of ups, like Saabies trek to Adelaide with Davo, or up and down from the beach for the last 4 years, or the trips to Ikea because Saabie has the biggest boot in the family.
We have been through a lot together really, Saabie survived my years as a P-plater and now carries me to and from Castlemaine week after week... But I am beginning to fear that Saabie’s life is coming to an end. Recently, its been taking a lot more for Saabie to get up and going each day, and this afternoon, when I stopped at the petrol station he wouldn’t get going again. Now because I am not completely car illiterate I thought that it was probably just a dead battery, which was no biggie, so I rang the RACV and they came and checked him out. Despite the fact that it was a jump start I needed to get going again, the RACV man tells me that my battery is fine, and every thing is charging fine and that he is not sure what it is. Now this along with some other little problems, like the fact that my cruise control is no more are beginning to make me think that over 500kms a week is too much and that perhaps this is the beginning of the end. I am not really ready to safe goodbye, and I can’t really afford a new one. So I guess for now we just ride it out, but perhaps someday soon I will need to say goodbye.
I guess that's just all part of the adventure! Read more...